The average and sometime sub-par canteen and mess food of my college years often saw us venturing out to restaurants for a culinary break of sorts, where the dish that…
It's almost been a whole year since I executed by baked samosa experiment. This Sunday, I decided to revisit the samosa in a non-vegetarian, rather meaty-muttony variant.
I've been contemplating buying a deep fryer for the longest time, with a list of recipes to try out (samosas and super crisp French fries top this list). While I…
Today is Onam. Though I'm not cooking up a hardcore Onam lunch, designed to knock the persons experiencing it into a food coma, I decided to make something that to…
I love seafood and amongst the easiest and least messiest sea-foody things to cook are prawns. So it goes without saying that this was my go-to prawn curry dish and…